Critical thinking involves a number of processes including identifying and evaluating specific situations, being aware of any contributing circumstances and the potential results of your actions or plans. To think critically, it is important to evaluate various perspectives (yours and others) to identify the resources available to you and evaluate the short and long-term effects of taking a particular action.

The PD Training Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training Course provides training in identifying support structures, perspectives and arguments and how to critically evaluate the advantages and the disadvantages of a proposed plan or an action, so that the right decisions can be made the first time. Learn the difference between left brain and right brain thinking, removing the emotions from decision making, evaluating both sides of an argument and critical questioning skills.

This powerful professional development training course is delivered throughout Australia, including Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra.

Please click on the Public Class tab below to view our Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training Course schedule by city or click the In-House Training tab to receive a free quote for courses delivered at your preferred location.

Your Learning Outcomes

  • Explore real-world examples of why critical thinking is so important in business
  • Learn to use critical thinking skills when making business decisions
  • Choose the right techniques to recognise assumptions and draw conclusions
  • Translate an abstract idea into something tangible
  • Minimise the impact of job pressures on your thinking processes
  • React with curiosity instead of emotion
  • Get a roadmap for developing your critical thinking skills


from 493 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 2.0 Days
Training courses for Management and Supervision
Course name Length Outline Next class
Change Management - Managing Your Team Through Change 1.0 day course February 20
Coaching and Mentoring Training 1.0 day course February 27
Conflict Resolution Training 1.0 day course March 7
Creative Problem Solving Training 1.0 day course February 14
Leadership Training Course to Develop Strong Leaders 2.0 day course April 2
Meeting Management Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Motivating Employees Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Negotiation Training 1.0 day course February 17
Supervising Others Training 1.0 day course March 24
Team Building Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Mentoring Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Highly Effective Management 2.0 day course March 25
Measuring Results from Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Employee Engagement Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Performance Management and Appraisals Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Recruitment and Selection Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Employee Onboarding Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training 2.0 day course May 28
Managing Difficult Conversations Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Business Ethics Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Effective Delegation Training 1.0 day course April 1
Managing Virtual Teams Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Delivering Constructive Criticism Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Commercial Acumen for Managers Training 1.0 day course View schedule
Manage People and Performance Training 1.0 day course February 24

PDT Training specialise in:

Live Online



Plus the workshops are always tailored to your current context

"The course content reinforced the approach I take in doing my work."

Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)


"The course and trainer were excellent. Noel was very adaptive to our needs and ensured we worked through at the right pace - adapting as we went."

-NSW Environmental Trust


"Noel facilitated the course in a way that all participants felt comfortable to be participate in a honest and encouraging manner. She was one of the best facilitators of courses I have attended over the last 30 years."

-Department of Finance, Services and Innovation


"Learning a model for critical thinking was extremely helpful as now I have a go-to when I need to think through a potential issue. The model was also helpful in that it was succinct. It was also helpful to understand the distinction between "non-critical thinking" Vs "critical thinking" as it allowed me to see where I needed to grow in critical thinking habits."

-Avery Products


"The trainer was extremely good at the topic and was well equipped to teach it."

"Very thought provoking and useful course. Not just for at work but in personal life as well."



 "James was a great trainer to deliver the content of the course. I enjoyed the course delivery, James was very well spoken and knew how to pass on knowledge well, and the course was enjoyable! Thanks very much."

-Thiess Pty Ltd


"David was able to customize the delivery to meet the needs of our group and the time frame available. All participants were motivated by the day we spent."

"Great trainer with a wealth of knowledge and very transparent."


"David was excellent. His ability to incorporate relevant examples from is own experiences to demonstrate the concepts presented was tremendous. And his ability to draw on relevant content from other courses in response to questions/discussion was extremely helpful."

-Clinect Pty Ltd


"Use of games was great for teamwork and to keep energy in the room. The examples, exercises and whiteboard material were interactive and great learning environment, vs workbook material which if closely followed would have been too theoretical for our audience."

 "Having recently completed studies covering this topic I found it to be a great refresher and reminder of how to focus on actively utilising and improving the skills I have learnt."

-Body Science International


"I thought it was very helpful and useful in our workplace. A lot of content to remember however all very relevant."

-Body Science International


"David is a highly component and engaging trainer. His ability to tailor the content to the specific needs of the participants was greatly appreciated."

-Online Education Services


"David imparted a range of insightful advice regarding critical thinking. He adapted the training to our diverse interests and was receptive to our opinions and concerns. I found the training to be highly considered, in depth and valuable for a range of current and most likely, future work and personal situations.."

-Individual Course Participant


"The hand-out alone has been very helpful. Overall, lots of handy tips on the topic. Excellent!"

-Department of Social Services


QLD Competition Authority logo
The course content reinforced the approach I take in doing my work.

-Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)

NSW Environmental Trust logo
The course and trainer were excellent. Noel was very adaptive to our needs and ensured we worked through at the right pace - adapting as we went.

-NSW Environmental Trust

NSW Department of Finance logo
Noel facilitated the course in a way that all participants felt comfortable to be participate in a honest and encouraging manner. She was one of the best facilitators of courses I have attended over the last 30 years.

-Department of Finance, Services and Innovation

Avery logo
Learning a model for critical thinking was extremely helpful as now I have a go-to when I need to think through a potential issue. The model was also helpful in that it was succinct. It was also helpful to understand the distinction between "non-critical thinking" Vs "critical thinking" as it allowed me to see where I needed to grow in critical thinking habits.

-Avery Products

More happy clients

"I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to improve their critical thinking skills."

Department of Human Services | Legal Services Division | Employment Law and Customer Compensation Branch


"Sanet was very energetic and made the training something I looked forward to going to."

Office of Industrial Relations


"The course was very helpful and I was able to use real life examples and workshop the approach or techniques I could use to help solve them. It was good doing it in a small group. "



Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training Now

In this course by PD Training, you’ll get hands-on experience with a wide range of practical tools to help you make critical thinking an indispensable part of your skill set and management style. You’ll learn things about yourself that you didn’t know and make internal, personal discoveries that can literally change the way you think about and approach your life.

Instead of concentrating on far out theories, you’ll be working with an expert instructor to get comfortable with a concrete set of tools. After practising things like left brain and right brain thinking patterns, asking probing questions and analysing potential outcomes, you’ll be prepared to to benefit from your new critical thinking skills immediately.

Course Outline for Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Course Overview

  • Introduction

Topic 2

Introduction to Critical Thinking

  • Benefits of critical thinking in the workplace
  • Critical thinking as a management skill

Topic 3

Other Types of Thinking

  • Different thinking styles

Topic 4

A Critical Thinker’s Mindset

  • Using your network to help you learn

Topic 5

The Critical Thinking Process

  • Step 1 - Identifying the problem
  • Step 2 - Gather and evaluate your information
  • Step 3 - Generate alternative solutions
  • Step 4 - Select and implement a solution
  • Step 5 - Evaluate your solution

Topic 6

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

  • Asking quality questions
  • Active listening
  • Challenging assumptions

Topic 7

Creative Thinking Techniques

  • Brainstorming
  • Imagining the opposite
  • Mind mapping
  • De Bono’s thinking hats
  • SWOT

Topic 8

Using REACH in Critical Thinking

  • Adapting your profile

Topic 9

Presenting Recommendations

  • Presenting to stakeholders


from 493 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 2.0 Days

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training Now

We create training that meets your needs.

1-hour Motivator

3-hour Power Sessions

Full Day Training

Conferences & Summits


We’ll make things easier so you can focus on adding more value

We take care of all of the details, so you don’t have to:

  • Invite people to
  • Sign
    In Sheet
  • Generate Branded
    Course Flyers
  • PDF’S of
  • Collects and
    Reports Feedback
  • Complete Results

What are people going to do differently?

At the completion of training participants are encouraged to create an action plan, and invite an accountability buddy via their Orgmenta App.

In your Training Management Centre you have transparency to the action plans so you can see what people are going to do differently.

Want to get clear on impacts and measure success? We support you.

Our systems and people make it easy to identify how you’ll be able to measure impacts and then report on the success in the weeks or months after training.

Do you already have a training management system and wish they were automatically up to date?

It’s surprisingly easy to make it so that your system can automatically be up to date with all the training record details you need.

More than just a training provider - we are your learning and development partner.

We look forward to working with you, talk to one of our friendly expert consultants today.
Talk to our team


  • Small classes, average 5 people, max 16
  • Lunch and refreshments included
  • Certificate of Completion (always available in the App)
  • Comprehensive courseware available in the App
  • Pay on Invoice or by Credit Card



2-day course

Education Development Centre, 4 Milner Street Adelaide SA 5007


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast


2-day course

Karstens Conference Centre, Level 24, 215 Adelaide St Brisbane QLD 4000


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast


2-day course

Canberra Flex, 4 National Circuit Canberra ACT 2600


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast


2-day course

Karstens Conference Centre, 123 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast


2-day course

Karstens Conference Centre, Level 1, 111 St. Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast


2-day course

Karstens Conference Centre Canada House, Level 1, 111 Harrington Street Sydney NSW 2000


May 28

Enroll Now Filling fast

August 18

Enroll Now Filling fast

October 30

Enroll Now Filling fast

Course Outline for Applying Critical Thinking to Problem Solving Training

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Course Overview

  • Introduction

Topic 2

Introduction to Critical Thinking

  • Benefits of critical thinking in the workplace
  • Critical thinking as a management skill

Topic 3

Other Types of Thinking

  • Different thinking styles

Topic 4

A Critical Thinker’s Mindset

  • Using your network to help you learn

Topic 5

The Critical Thinking Process

  • Step 1 - Identifying the problem
  • Step 2 - Gather and evaluate your information
  • Step 3 - Generate alternative solutions
  • Step 4 - Select and implement a solution
  • Step 5 - Evaluate your solution

Topic 6

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

  • Asking quality questions
  • Active listening
  • Challenging assumptions

Topic 7

Creative Thinking Techniques

  • Brainstorming
  • Imagining the opposite
  • Mind mapping
  • De Bono’s thinking hats
  • SWOT

Topic 8

Using REACH in Critical Thinking

  • Adapting your profile

Topic 9

Presenting Recommendations

  • Presenting to stakeholders

When you book a Public Class with PD Training you can expect:

To Be Engaged All Day

Activities and discussion for engaged learning all day.

An outstanding trainer

On average PDT trainers have 15 years industry experience and 7 years training experience.

Focussed on you

We always tailor activities and scenarios to be relevant to you.

Refresher Course $0

In-House and Public Class participants are welcome to join a public class in the same topic for 12 months.

Acclaimed Provider

The confidence of booking with an acclaimed multi-national training company.

Multi-modal Reinforcement

Support, reinforcement & extension eLearning and videos in the App.

Outstanding learning that people can do in the flow of work

  • Fresh targeted video-based microlearning content with interactive lessons and quizzes included.
  • Rigourous review process
  • Only $11.00 per course per person per year
  • Or get the $110.00 bundle and save

Asking Questions

The most important foundation for communication and building meaningful relationships is listening, develop your skills with this micro eLearning course.

Bite size learning that people love

Not exactly what you needed? Try other courses in the Management and Supervision Courses Category

15 Year

Celebrating 15 Years of PD Training

Supporting leaders and teams around the globe, we're proud to mark 15 years of growth, innovation, and success. Thank you for being part of the PD Training journey. The future is looking bright!