Business Communication Courses

Learn to Communicate Effectively Across All Levels of Business

Active Listening training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators!

  • Course length: 0.5 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.71 out of 5 from 325 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Active Listening training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators! - 3 hours

Body Language training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Body Language Training

Body Language Training Course - Live Online Instructor-led 3-hours Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Body Language Training - 3hours

Business Etiquette Training Course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Business Etiquette Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.55 out of 5 from 173 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Business Process Management course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Business Process Management

  • Course length: 2 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.64 out of 5 from 99 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Business Writing training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Business Writing Essentials for the Modern Workplace

Business Writing for the Modern Workplace course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Business Writing for the Digital Era

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.74 out of 5 from 333 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Challenger Safety  training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Challenger Safety

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline
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  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Communication Skills training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Communication Skills Training

Conflict Resolution training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Conflict Resolution Training

Creative Problem Solving training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Creative Problem Solving Training

Delivering Constructive Criticism Training course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Delivering Constructive Criticism Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.77 out of 5 from 26 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Email Etiquette training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Email Etiquette Training

Email Etiquette Training Course - Online Instructor-led Live Online 3-hours Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Email Etiquette Training - 3hours

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Training

High-Stakes conversations course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

High-Stakes Conversations

  • Course length: 0.5 day course
  • Download outline

  • 5.00 out of 5 from 3 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
High-Stakes Conversations course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

High-Stakes Conversations - 3hours

Inter-Cultural Communication Skills course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Inter-Cultural Communication Skills Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.85 out of 5 from 62 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Leading Diversity and Inclusion course Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth

Leading Diversity and Inclusion

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.67 out of 5 from 24 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Managing Difficult Conversations course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Managing Difficult Conversations Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.74 out of 5 from 594 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Meeting Management training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Meeting Management Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.49 out of 5 from 191 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Minute-Taking Training Course Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra

Minute-Taking Training

Negotiation Skills training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Negotiation Training

Presentation Skills training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Presentation Skills Training

Professional Telephone Skills training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Professional Telephone Skills

Public Speaking training course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Public Speaking Training Course

Team Communication Course Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Team Communication Training

  • Course length: 0.5 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.72 out of 5 from 186 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Writing Winning Proposals Training Course - Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Perth Adelaide Canberra

Writing Winning Proposals Training

  • Course length: 1 day course
  • Download outline

  • 4.72 out of 5 from 57 responses
  • Group Bookings available: Yes, tailoring and discounts included
Category top 10 skills icon

Top 10 skills for Business Communication professionals

  1. Business writing skills
    Write business emails, reports and proposals with perfect structure and sentences. Plan and proofread for readability.
  2. Business etiquette
    Learn how to start business conversations, use body language and appearance, and handle social business scenes to stay on top.
  3. Communication skills
    Talk with confidence by using the right voice, listen actively and adjust your communication style.
  4. Manage difficult conversations
    Listen attentively, respond (not react), ask questions and avoid hasty commitments when having difficult conversations.
  5. Manage business processes
    Know the phases of a business process and get acquainted with its fundamentals.
  6. Inter-cultural business communications
    Gain an understanding of other cultures, listen attentively and use positive non-verbal signals to develop trust and friendship.
  7. Team communication
    Establish team norms, foster trust through positive communications and encourage listening.
  8. Public speaking
    Identify your audience, get acquainted with the venue and prepare yourself for disturbances and difficult questions.
  9. How to negotiate
    Choose the appropriate negotiation style, separate people from problems, analyse your options and take time to reflect when making decisions.
  10. Body language
    Know your present body language and make targeted changes to look and feel more confident and in control.

Top 10 tips for Business Communication

  1. When writing business letters and emails, ensure that it has correct sentence structure, paragraph usage, spelling and punctuation. Review the writing once to remove errors, and review it again to ensure clarity and professionalism. When creating meeting agendas, use a basic structure that answers when, where, why and for how long the meeting will be held.
  2. Impress others by your communication skills.
    1. Use both your body language and spoken words in conversations.
    2. Listen actively to understand correctly what is being said.
    3. Ask questions to probe, elaborate or close a conversation.
    4. Keep control of the conversation by making timely interjections and using questions.
  3. When giving feedback to employees, provide constructive criticism that focuses on positivity. To give negative feedback positively, begin with a positive statement of appreciation, proceed to the negative criticism and finish the feedback on a positive note. That helps the employee to take note of the criticism without being negatively impacted by it.
  4. Cultural differences create difficulties in communication that may lead to misunderstandings. When communicating with a non-native, be tolerant of the differences while trying to gain a basic understanding of the other culture. Use facial expressions and body language to enhance clarity of your communication. Ask questions to know if your words were understood.
  5. Manage difficult conversations by using these tips:
    1. Consider the consequences of your words and actions.
    2. Ask to know the opinion of the other person, then explain yours.
    3. Choose a time and place to discuss the matter further, if necessary.
    During a difficult conversation, use positive body language and be open to suggestions without making commitments.
  6. When negotiating, use these five steps:
    1. Preparation (prepare your stance).
    2. Opening position (your initial demands/expectations).
    3. Bargaining (weigh how much advantage can be achieved).
    4. Movement (move from your original stance to reach the best possible outcome).
    5. Closing (summarise the decisions made by both parties).
  7. For handling conflicts successfully, first neutralise emotions. Then identify the root cause of the problem. During resolution talks:
    1. Focus on individual and shared needs.
    2. Identify opportunities for mutual gain.
    3. Generate ideas/options for resolution.
    4. Build goodwill between the parties.
    5. Choose a solution that is a win-win for everyone involved and satisfies their most important needs.
  8. Speaking in public is not easy, even for those who do it frequently. To speak flawlessly in public, these preparations are required:
    1. Creating an audience profile.
    2. Preparing and practicing the speech.
    3. Getting familiar with the stage.
    4. Overcoming nerves by using visualisation.
    5. Preparing a plan B.
    If the speech includes a question and answer session, prepare for difficult and hostile questions.
  9. For building communication within teams, use these tips:
    1. Build objectivity and goal-oriented thinking among team members.
    2. Have clarity in individual duties and purpose.
    3. Provide regular feedback to keep team players focused and motivated.
  10. Writing business emails requires more than clarity. They must have a suitable subject line, opening, content and closing. Depending upon your work relationship with the recipient and the email's privacy, the email must be written either in a formal or a semi-formal style. Things to avoid in a business email are: emoticons, jargon, informality, incorrect paragraph changes, wrong spelling and grammar.
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