Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators!

Active listening is the key to effective communication as it requires a real two-way exchange of information between two or more people. There is a big difference between "hearing" someone speak and "listening with intent", so once you start using the active listening techniques taught in this course you'll experience better results in your relationships both at home and in the workplace.

The PD Training Active Listening training course teaches you crucial skills like how to how to listen attentively, how to show real interest, how to understand what you’ve heard and how to respond appropriately. This course touches on body language as well as specific types of questioning techniques.  After learning and implementing these techniques you will become a more effective communicator in all situations.

PD Training's half-day Active Listening Training course is available now in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, and Perth or can be customised and delivered at your chosen location.

Your Learning Outcomes

In this course participants will learn to:
  • Engage more effectively through actively listening
  • Understand the difference between ‘hearing’ and ‘listening’
  • Learn the techniques to listen actively
  • Increase their awareness of communication behaviours
  • Understand how emotions effect their ability to listen
  • Learn to paraphrase and restate for clarification
  • Be able to manage and encourage constructive collaboration

PDT Training specialise in:

Live Online



Plus the workshops are always tailored to your current context

Course Reviews

  • I found the communication evolution tool the most useful part of the training. The level of specificity and accuracy which the results revealed about my own communication preferences and personality was eye opening! It was also really revealing in what it told me about my colleagues (some of which I've worked with for years). It will help me communicate and work effectively with a variety of my colleagues. I had all this light bulb moments, e.g. 'that's why this person communicates the way they do with me' or 'it's their's not me'. I will refer to the student manual regularly a long time after the course finished. The course material really resonated with me and I found the convenor very engaging and influential."NSW Department of Education - Leadership and High Performance
  • The trainer provided me with some ideas that I can definitely use when working with the young adults I support.

    I found the course really informative and whilst it was only a 3 hour session.

    "Wesley Mission Victoria
  • The most useful part for me was learning how to speak to a customer, understanding how to solve their problem and the right questions to ask in order to get the information needed to help the customer. This course showed a few simple steps and procedures on how to accomplish that. I would definitely recommend to anyone!"Mount Druitt Ethnic Communities Agency

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators! Now


Effective listening is actively absorbing the information given to you by a speaker and using specific techniques that show you are not only listening but keenly interested is what is being said, while also providing feedback to the speaker so that he or she knows the message was received.


This fun and interactive Active Listening Skills Training Program will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge that will transform your personal and professional interactions and lead to more rewarding and meaningful communication.


See the Live Online tab for the course outline for the live online course

Course Outline for Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators!

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Action Plans

Topic 2

How Well Do You Actively Listen?

  • Group Activity

Topic 3

What Affects Listening?

  • What Affects Listening?
  • Things That Prevent Us From Listening
  • Listen – Really Listen – Using Minimal Encouragers
  • Why Use Minimal Encouragers?

Topic 4

Determine Your Communication Behaviours

  • REACH and Communication Styles
  • Step 1: Increase your awareness and adaptability
  • Step 2: Adapt your approach

Topic 5

Verbal Communication Skills

  • Listening and Hearing; They Aren’t The Same Thing
  • Focused Listening
  • Asking Questions
  • Open Questions
  • Closed Questions
  • Clarifying Questions
  • Body Language

Topic 6

High Emotion - Low Intelligence

  • How to Accurately Perceive Emotions
  • Use Emotions to Facilitate Thinking
  • Manage Emotions

Topic 7

Tips and Tricks to Manage a Brainstorming Environment

  • Tips and Tricks

Topic 8

Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Action Plans


from 319 responses
Download PDF Outline Duration: 0.5 Days

Plus you’ll also receive:


Money Back

If you’re not happy with the outcomes from
the course we offer a money back guarantee



For every participant
valued at $199 each


Sick Day
Safety Net

No one left behind
with our 1/2 price re-run promise



12-months access to the unique REACH Future Proofing Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning to develop agility to adapt to different people tasks and situations.

Learn Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators! Now

We create training that meets your needs.

1-hour Motivator

3-hour Power Sessions

Full Day Training

Conferences & Summits


We’ll make things easier so you can focus on adding more value

We take care of all of the details, so you don’t have to:

  • Invite people to
  • Sign
    In Sheet
  • Generate Branded
    Course Flyers
  • PDF’S of
  • Collects and
    Reports Feedback
  • Complete Results

What are people going to do differently?

At the completion of training participants are encouraged to create an action plan, and invite an accountability buddy via their Orgmenta App.

In your Training Management Centre you have transparency to the action plans so you can see what people are going to do differently.

Want to get clear on impacts and measure success? We support you.

Our systems and people make it easy to identify how you’ll be able to measure impacts and then report on the success in the weeks or months after training.

Do you already have a training management system and wish they were automatically up to date?

It’s surprisingly easy to make it so that your system can automatically be up to date with all the training record details you need.

More than just a training provider - we are your learning and development partner.

We look forward to working with you, talk to one of our friendly expert consultants today.
Talk to our team


  • Small classes, average 5 people, max 16
  • Certificate of Completion (always available in the App)
  • Comprehensive courseware available in the App


Upcoming Live Classes

Live Online

3-hour course

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Australia/Brisbane


22 October

Enrol Now Last chance!

21 January

Enrol Now Filling fast

20 February

Enrol Now Filling fast

21 March

Enrol Now Filling fast

Course Outline for Active Listening Training - The secret of great communicators!

After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Topic 1

Getting Started

  • Pre-Assignment Review
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Action Plans

Topic 2

How Well Do You Actively Listen?

  • Group Activity

Topic 3

What Affects Listening?

  • What Affects Listening?
  • Things That Prevent Us From Listening
  • Listen – Really Listen – Using Minimal Encouragers
  • Why Use Minimal Encouragers?

Topic 4

Determine Your Communication Behaviours

  • REACH and Communication Styles
  • Step 1: Increase your awareness and adaptability
  • Step 2: Adapt your approach

Topic 5

Verbal Communication Skills

  • Listening and Hearing; They Aren’t The Same Thing
  • Focused Listening
  • Asking Questions
  • Open Questions
  • Closed Questions
  • Clarifying Questions
  • Body Language

Topic 6

High Emotion - Low Intelligence

  • How to Accurately Perceive Emotions
  • Use Emotions to Facilitate Thinking
  • Manage Emotions

Topic 7

Tips and Tricks to Manage a Brainstorming Environment

  • Tips and Tricks

Topic 8

Wrapping Up

  • Words from the Wise
  • Action Plans

When you book a Public Class with PD Training you can expect:

To Be Engaged All Day

Activities and discussion for engaged learning all day.

An outstanding trainer

On average PDT trainers have 15 years industry experience and 7 years training experience.

Focussed on you

We always tailor activities and scenarios to be relevant to you.

Refresher Course $0

In-House and Public Class participants are welcome to join a public class in the same topic for 12 months.

Acclaimed Provider

The confidence of booking with an acclaimed multi-national training company.

Multi-modal Reinforcement

Support, reinforcement & extension eLearning and videos in the App.

Outstanding learning that people can do in the flow of work

  • Fresh targeted video-based microlearning content with interactive lessons and quizzes included.
  • Rigourous review process
  • Only $11.00 per course per person per year
  • Or get the $110.00 bundle and save
Purchase the microlearning bundle

The most important foundation for communication and building meaningful relationships is listening, develop your skills with this micro eLearning course.

Buy Active Listening Skills

Asking Questions

The most important foundation for communication and building meaningful relationships is listening, develop your skills with this micro eLearning course.

Bite size learning that people love

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