Top 10 Power Skills for Mastering Facilitation – Australia

According to LinkedIn, core competencies required for a facilitator include communication, active listening, developing synergy, and asking questions.[i] Along with that, interpersonal skills and value for diversity are also important qualities in facilitators, the British Council believes.[ii] Using these skills, a facilitator can create an environment where learning is fun and spontaneous for all.


A skilled facilitator is one that brings together people of diverse personalities and learning preferences to get involved and respond towards collective learning. Here are the top 10 power skills that will help you master facilitation.



What is Facilitation?



Understand facilitation, make preparation and know how to respond to group behaviours



Body Language



Use a positive, confident and friendly body language to manage people and problems harmoniously



Ask Questions & Listen Actively



Ask questions to initiate communication and listen with focus to understand better



Build Emotional Intelligence



Generate self-awareness and be aware of others’ emotions


Speak with Confidence



Use the right tone, pitch and speed when speaking to exhibit confidence


Create Team Synergy


Develop understanding, cooperation and dialogue between team members



Master Inter-Cultural Communication



Know how to communicate with people from different cultures, and build a healthy multicultural environment



Solve Problems Creatively



Solve problems using brainstorming, analysis, selection and evaluation



When Dealing with Difficult People



Learn to handle and cope with negative attitudes and behaviour



Manage Your Time


Create an effective time management strategy by prioritising, and creating a routine and to-do list








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