Every company wants to retain their new customers and turn them into loyal customers.
To enhance your skills in customer service, consider joining Customer Service Training Course delivered by pdtraining in Melbourne and other cities in Australia.

To build loyal customers, you need to identify factors that make your customers come back to you. Irrespective of your industry, there are certain common reasons that make customers choose a brand again and again. They are:
Excellent value
Good customer support
Brand image
Reasonable prices with good value
One or more of the above reasons attracts customers to a brand. As a customer service professional, you can help create loyal customers by providing outstanding customer service, engaging in brand building, and informing customers about the benefits your company provides them.
Identify What the Customer Wants
Every customer comes to buy with a different purpose. Some would pay more for quality, some would compromise on quality for lower prices, and some others would pay for style and brand image.
When customers approach you, you need to identify what they expect to get and what they are willing to compromise upon. Would the customer not mind paying more for additional features? Or would s/he like a reasonably priced model with basic features? According to the customer’s expectations, provide information about the product/service, and also about offers, events, freebies, etc. Make sure that you only provide information the customer will be interested in.
Mention Long-Term Support
Mention to customers that the company will provide them with long-term support. It will show them that the company takes responsibility for the good service of the product/service.
To customers, after-sales support is important because they need to be sure that they will get good value for their money. Even if a customer does not ask, always mention how the company will support the customer after the sale has been made. It will help in building trust.
Be Honest and Positive
A customer never forgives false information, provided intentionally or not. Be transparent about what your company can provide and cannot, and let the customer make the decision.
Never negate your competition before the customer. Instead, inform the customer what you know. If you are not sure about the authenticity of certain information, either confirm it from someone or let the customer know that you are not sure about the information being authentic. The customer will appreciate your honesty.
Genuinely Care
No matter how much you train yourself, genuineness cannot be faked. If you genuinely care for your customers, you will not need to make an effort to please. You will naturally work to please the customer as best as you can.
Believe that each customer is important for the company.
Promise results that you can guarantee the company can provide.
Offer them information that will make their life simpler.
It will affect their purchasing decision in future. The better you are able to identify their particular need and fulfil it, the more chances you have of creating loyal customers.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Customer Service Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.
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