Leadership Coaching Profiling Tool and Report Online
If you are looking for a personality profiling tool, consider using Personality Profiling tools offered by pdtraining in Australia.
This Leadership Coaching Profile Tool and Report (LCR) is designed to increase the effectiveness of short and long-term Leadership development training initiatives.
The two primary factors measured are referred to as “Achievement Drive” and “Relational Drive”.
The LDP measures two primary drivers (Achievement Drive and Relational Drive). Achievement Drive provides a summary of an individual’s approach to tasks and goals while Relational Drive provides a summary of an individual’s approach to interpersonal relations.
The LDP provides detailed insight to these two primary drivers by also measuring ten specific dimensions.
How Does the Leadership Profile Tool and Report Work?
The LDP uses 95 items to measure two primary factors (Achievement Drive and Relational Drive) and ten dimensions that highlight strengths and weaknesses of sales people across each aspect of being an effective leader.
How Can the Leadership Profiling Tool and Report Be Used?
The ‘LDP’ LCR (Leadership Coaching Report) is used in a range of contexts around the world including the profiling of top level executives as well as line managers who work at the coal face of production.
This world-class leadership profiling tool provides keen insight into the different dimensions of a person’s leadership style, and their strengths and weaknesses in a range of situational leadership circumstances and leadership dimensions – such as their strengths and weaknesses in specific areas like coaching and mentoring.
It is internationally recognised that the proficiency of the leadership team in any organisation has a profound effect on the stability and success of that organisation.
The continuing development of both emerging and current leaders is (or should be) of paramount importance to assure the best performance from management.
By integrating the LCR profiling tool and resulting report into the organisation’s executive and leadership coaching programs, the professional development initiatives can be more highly targeted and realise greater impacts in a shorter amount of time.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.

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