To satisfy customers, you need to identify what they need and discover how you can help them.

If you want to become skilled in serving customers, consider using Customer Service Training Course from pdtraining delivered in Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and other cities in Australia.
Every customer wishes to gain something different from a product/service. For example, some people buy clothes for style, some for comfort, and some for variety. Knowing the preference of the customer is essential in providing them the right help. Some of the other valuable skills that a sales professional can develop to excel in customer service are discussed below.
- Only Commit What You Can Do
If you are not sure if you can provide a discount on the next buy to a customer, do not promise it. Breaking promises, giving false information and hiding information from customers is unforgivable, as it damages trust. Commit only when you are sure that you can keep your commitment. The customer will value your honesty when you refuse to commit to them something that you are not sure you can deliver.
- Communication Skills
As a customer service professional needs to talk to customers over the phone, in person, or through emails, it is important that the communications are precise, free from errors, and professional in tone.
Developing communication skills also help in influencing and persuading customers. Moreover, a person with excellent communication abilities is able to explain, convince and handle complaints better.
- When to Help and When to Allow Space
When a customer makes a purchase, they like to be informed about the product/service and also spend time contemplating whether to make the purchase or not. When it comes to big purchases, customers often discuss the pros and cons of the buy with their companion(s) or family and friends so that they do not make a bad decision.
A customer service professional must provide space to customers when they wish to be left alone, but, at the same time, be available for help when it is required.
- Listen Actively
When a customer is voicing a complaint or a query, listen actively to understand their expectations. Till you are attending to a customer, you must be attentive to his/her needs, and at the same time, look for information that you can do to build a relationship with the customer. For example, if the customer mentions his child during a conversation, the customer will be impressed if you ask about the child in your next communication with the customer. Small efforts like this make a large difference towards improving the quality of customer service.
- Be Patient, Always
Some customers get irritated easily if they feel their product/service is not providing them the support they wished to get. When faced with criticism, customer service professional must remain professional, patient and courteous throughout.
It is wise to listen to customers and not interrupt them when they are voicing a complaint. Ask them relevant questions targeted towards the resolution after they have said all that they wanted to. Assure them of a quick and a permanent solution, and then work to achieve it. A successfully resolved problem impresses a customer if it is provided quickly.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public Customer Service Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.

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