Leadership Development: 5 Steps to Becoming a Better Leader – Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta

You can practice and develop leadership behaviour and implement steps to become more resilient.

Leadership Development Program in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta from pdtraining
Leadership Development Program

To develop leadership skills, consider participating in Leadership Development Program from pdtraining in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta and other cities.

Below are some steps many leaders use to improve themselves and create a better experience in the workplace.

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Develop and Present a Positive Attitude

  • Think before you speak in unfamiliar situation
  • Find specific opportunities during challenges
  • Practice turning issues into opportunities
  • Stop and take a time out when periods of frustration arise
  • Look for a positive person to serve as your mentor

Maintain a Focused sense of purpose for long-term goals and priorities

  • Explore your value system and identify your personal sense of direction on which you can rely to make choices
  • Set new priorities when faced with the disruption of change

Use Flexible thinking to explore multiple approaches for addressing uncertainty

  • Switch sides when discussing a topic about which you feel strongly
  • Rather than assuming your first answer is the solution, suspend judgment if you are in the middle of a change
  • List three positives and three negatives about a new idea or concept
  • Be willing to work in an unfamiliar role to learn a different point of view
  • Identify a person who is a strong flexible thinker, and ask for some coaching

Use Organised, structured approaches when managing ambiguity

  • Learn to quickly sort information and find patterns in new situations
  • Use a planner or planning software to keep to-do lists, track plans, commitments, and next steps for each change initiative
  • Break down complex or ambiguous situations into manageable chunks
  • Find a coach who has strong organisational skills.

Experiment proactively with new approaches and solutions

  • Choose a small project and experiment with a new approach
  • For a challenge you face, define the worst-case scenario; list how you would address each risk
  • Find someone you perceive as a successful risk-taker and discuss your objections and concerns about a change
  • Try to view a risk associated with a change you are facing as a “win-win” situation; determine what you can learn by assuming the risk
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Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.

All public Leadership Development Program include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion.  Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.