If you are part of an organisation that recruits and employs staff from overseas who are on 457 work visas, then you may be aware of the training requirements put in place by the government and the Migration Institute.

If you are looking to meet training requirements for Visa 457 & 186, then you can use Benchmark A and B – 457 Visa Training offered by pdtraining.
You may however have used a migration agent to help you find the appropriate staff with the right skills required for the job, so you might try and communicate with the agent in relation to this legal training requirement.
But the reality is that migration agents do one thing – find overseas staff and process their 457 documentation – and they don’t specialise in understanding the on-going training requirements that you face as an employer, nor can they help find the most appropriate training for each staff member which will enhance their productivity and make them more valuable assets to the business.
The migration agent might infer they can help with this part of the process, but this is not their main focus.
Meeting the training benchmark Sponsorship for a Visa 457 Applicant can be very simple – we recommend calling the Visa Training Helpline on 130 121 400 – it Fast Easy and Free!
The Helpline can help you with Visa 457 Training Benchmark A or Visa 457 Benchmark B and can often help you get your questions answered – and everything underway on the same day!
As a sponsor of a Visa 457 applicant you need to meet either training benchmark A or B.
Visa 457 Training Benchmark A
If you haven’t been training your existing staff, or haven’t had any staff to train, you may need to go for Benchmark A – which is the larger investment in training.
However, even if you haven’t had any staff to train, you may be able to submit a training plan – showing your future commitment to training and meet Visa Benchmark B – the Visa 457 Training Helpline can provide you with a training plan for free in just an hour or so!
Visa 457 Training Benchmark B
To meet training Benchmark B you need to demonstrate you have been training your existing Australian staff, and have a training plan for continued training. The Visa Training Helpline can help assess whether you already meet the Visa Benchmark B, and provide you with a training plan for future training for free.
We can assist you with all of the required paperwork and help you get the most from your training investment so your business gets better and more productive staff while showing the government that you’ve complied with their training requirements year in and year out.
Still have questions? No problem, to get all your questions answered about Visa 457 Training Benchmarks, call the Free Visa Training Helpline on 1300 121 400 or request a free training plan online: Request a Free Training Plan for Visa 457 Benchmark B.
PDtraining is approved by the Migration Institute Australia as their preferred Benchmark B training provider.
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.

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