Meet benchmark B without any worry or waste of time.
Use the Free Training Plan for Meeting Benchmark B from pdtraining for requesting a trainng plan for VISA 457 & 186 Applications.
Do your migration clients need to meet Benchmark B level training requirements for sponsorship and 457 visa applications but are unsure where and how to get that approved training?
If you are a 457 Visa sponsor or Migration agent with clients, or you’re a company who has elected to undertake Benchmark B as your preferred training, then you will be investing 1% of your annual revenues into staff training.
The team at pdtraining have created solid relationships with Registered Migration Agents across Australia and are approved by the MIA as an accredited training provider.
Pdtraining can assist MIA Members with their clients’ training needs, with particularly strong experience in providing courses required to meet Subclass 457 Training benchmark B requirements.
In one phone call or a visit to the pdtraining website, you can:
- Produce instant quotes for training of permanent resident visa holders, with clear outcomes relevant to your client’s business needs
- Simply complete training the survey form and list the number of staff who have permanent residency and we can generate a formal training plan for you which is required under Benchmark B
- Generate invoices that demonstrate payments to a credible third party training provider
- Receive creative and flexible pricing that will ensure training expenditures are met
- Plus, certificates of completion are produced immediately upon completion of each course also required by Benchmark B

Pdtraining has a commitment to training by offering your clients the option of a 3 year training plan, if required, and for urgent enquiries they can provide immediate training needs, which not only meet government requirements, but also exceed your clients expectations.
Assisting Your Sponsored Visa Clients
As an MIA Member you can direct your clients to use the self-service options for quoting and invoicing and to answer all of their questions online instantly.
Visa Benchmark Training made easy
To find out more contact:
Email: [email protected]
Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.
All public courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion. Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.
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