Theory in Practice – “Emma’s Story”: Customer Service Training in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth

Customer Service – Theory, Theory, Theory!

Customer Service Training Course from pdtraining in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth
Build skills to excel at customer service

If you are looking to build new skills in customer service, consider using Customer Service Training Course from pdtraining in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and other cities in Australia.

Does any of it actually make a real-world difference?

Sure it does.  All of us trainers have real-world experience in the topics we present on, with real stories, both our own and those shared by attendees.  Emma (not her real name) sent in this email:

“I work in retail in a major chain-store in Sydney.  For my 19th birthday 3 months ago, my Father-in-law got me what I thought was the crappiest gift ever, a Customer Service training course, not the Xbox 360 I asked for.

I really didn’t want to waste my day off but they made me go.

It was actually pretty interesting, and the trainer was cute.  When I got back to work, things he had said kept popping into my head and they kinda made sense in the shop, so I gave it a go.

You know what?  I got 3 customers in the 1st couple of weeks giving good comments on the forms, my first ones ever.

Last week I got promoted to trainee manager, and HR said it was because of the good comments.

Turns out Bob [father-in-law] didnt just give me a day of training, he gave me a promotion!

For Xmas, I have asked for a communication skills course (Ill prob get the Xbox now, lol)”

This is just one of thousands of stories, a few we hear about, most we never do.

Theory –> Practice –> Results;  A proven progression.

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Pdtraining delivers 1000’s of professional development courses each year in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, so you can be assured your training will be delivered by a qualified and experienced trainer.

All public Customer Service Training courses include am/pm tea, lunch, printed courseware and a certificate of completion.  Customised courses are available upon request so please contact pdtraining on 1300 121 400 to learn more.